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Nurse Led Transport Team

In January 2020 NISTAR developed to offer a dedicated nurse led transport team for neonatal and paediatric patients.  As there are a limited number of cots/beds which provide high level critical care in Northern Ireland, efficient use of such resources is of paramount importance.  Infants/children no longer requiring such critical care or a regional service should be transferred closer to home where their medical treatment and nursing care can be continued.

NISTAR provides a nurse led service to all Neonatal and Paediatric units/wards within the region.

NISTAR also provides a nurse led service to the All Island Congenital Heart Network.

Suitability of an infant/child for nurse led transport should be ascertained with regard to their clinical condition.

The neonatal/paediatric nurse led service aims to operate for 12 hours 08.00 – 20.00 365 days of the year.

NISTAR nurse led transfers still require consultant to consultant discussion form referring to receiving hospitals.

All relevant clinical information should be provided by the referring team to the receiving team.

The infant/child should be stable at the time of referral and should meet the criteria of the receiving unit.

It is recommended that where possible nurse led transport is requested with NISTAR in advance.  This enables NISTAR to organise multiple transfers from different hospitals within the region in the most efficient order.

For same day requests, it is recommended that referrals are made to NISTAR as early as possible.  This facilitates appropriate prioritisation for all nurse led transport.

Single Point of contact (SPOC for NISTAR ) 028 9504 0167